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Benefits of using images from a professional gallery


If you are a content creator, this article is for you. The way you interact with your followers is by generating your content, but if you do it professionally it will say a lot about you.

una galería de imágenes profesionales que puedes utilizar sin limite de descargas ni atribuciones obligadas.
There are many pages that give you free images, however some of them give you a download limit or you have to attribute the content to their creators.

Creating content for digital platforms is not easy at all, many experts consider that what costs more is to make the content than the very fact of disseminating it. This is the case in video creators for platforms such as YouTube, this is a platform that has an immense sea of ​​users and partners who are uploading hundreds of thousands of videos daily, and it often happens that a content creator strives to produce a video of many minutes but when you upload it, in the first 24 hours you only got 12 views by a lot.

In part, the low success of your video is due to wild images that people do not like. The advertising you see on the internet and on television uses professional image and video galleries, its success comes from the use of these galleries, which in some cases are paid, since their content is exclusive to those who pay for that image or video clip. When you see an ad on a page, you are visually drawn to take action or click to buy on their online site or move to their physical stores to buy it.

Advantages when using image gallery photos:

  • The images from an internet gallery use models with a perfect physical appearance and of different races and cultures at no cost. On the other hand, looking for a perfect model for your photographs can cost you an arm and a leg.

  • Gallery images on the internet use studio or cinematic locations such as: landscapes, cities, environments, gardens, beautiful and cozy houses with perfect exteriors and interiors. On the other hand, if you want to take the photos, you will have to rent houses or premises and spend on travel expenses for both you and your model.

  • The gallery images will always be available there on the page and in case you need to reuse them you should not worry because the file was deleted from the camera or the computer, it will be enough to bookmark the page from which you downloaded it to go to her in the future.

Good visual projects are always the most appreciated by viewers, even if you do not advertise, each content you publish must be attractive to be successful. Keep this in mind, evaluate each content that you are going to publish because if you live in a country whose racial aspect is not that of the models that appear in the image you downloaded, it is very likely that your publication is not very realistic in case you refer your audience with the guideline; Example: if you are from a Central American country and you want to refer to your compatriots with a visual message that tells them that your channel or social network has a soul, mind and heart native to the country, it is possible that your advertising will cause rejection if you upload a publication Anglo-Saxon look.

If you want a little help, Carodka Studio is updating its blog constantly uploading images to give you that boost you need and you can earn money hand in hand with your digital venture. You can use our images for website, social networks or corporate presentations. You can visit our photos section and download free content.

If you want to make professional videos, we have After Effect templates available that use Universal Channel, HCH, Televicentro, and many more for free at this link:


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