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YouTube, TikTok and Snapchat are called to a hearing by the United States Senate, why?


The call follows a warning from the Senate of the United States of North America about the proper use of security for minors on these digital platforms. At this hearing, the word was taken from senior executives of these social networks and in turn the commission that interviewed the former Facebook employee: Frances Haugen, questioned the actions of these technology firms to analyze the safety policies for minors and determine how The data they provide when opening an account on their sites is handled.

The United States Senate wants to protect children so that they are not victims of harassment on social networks or fall into the hands of sexual depraved by the fact that their data is public or available to these predators. Another objective is to analyze the way in which these digital platforms are intimately related to the lives of these minors to the point of influencing their way of dressing, dancing, playing and eating, thus developing eating disorders in minors. The algorithms used and the designs of many products can even be destructive to new companies. The work of the United States Senate is worthy of admiration, however we wonder, can they achieve it?

Before the existence of social networks that had an explosive boom in the years 2004 to 2018, we had the blessed television as the opening act of honor in the privacy of our homes, where our parents inadvertently taught us adult programs totally disguised as white entertainment . This formed new generations over the years influencing in many ways. For example, the television novels of large corporations such as Televisa de México, showed us stellar entertainment whose content was immorality at its best. We learned from personal villains and we molded ourselves to the way of thinking of these characters. Question: Who regulated this type of entertainment at the time?

Currently we see on national and broadcast television series called Narco Novelas, which is the perfect school for criminals. Many of its characters influence the way of thinking of all these new generations, as parents without discretion sit on the sofa at home, wasting an hour a day from Monday to Friday in the subtle learning of these Narco Novelas, their children watch and They learn and we see them on the streets saying phrases that they see and hear there. Who regulates this, will the United States Senate do it?

Who regulates the offensive music of rap and reggueton singers like Bag Bunny among others who promote a letter that degrades the new generations. I was amazed when I heard in the lyrics a song that said: I want to give him in 4K, and his music video is totally related to the singer's sexual relationship with his lover being videotaped in the highest quality of 4K resolution, but giving a secondary form of interpretation since the woman is in 4 like a puppy in the act of mating. Who controls that? Does the United States Senate send a call to the production companies in Puerto Rico, because of their jurisdiction and because they are the greatest exponent of this type of music, to regulate what our children see and listen to on television, radio and digital platforms? like Youtube and TikTok? I am sure that if they did, there would be multiple penalties for this degrading content towards women.

The self-proclaimed singer El Alfa El Jefe, teaching new generations to record themselves having sex with the highest 4K quality

With this we only reflect that if the creators of digital platforms are to be called to an audience to regulate what our children see on them, they should also call those who create content on them and greatly influence minors.

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